Roland Schmid

Reportage, 2016

Die grosse Flucht - gefangen in Idomeni

Refugees demonstrate for the opening of the border to Macedonia. Idomeni, Kilkis province, Greece. March 12 2016. 
Approximately 12,000 refugees are waiting in Camp Idomeni at the Greek - Macedonian border to get on. The border is closed, the balkan route to central Europe is blocked.

Frau, Kind, Schild, Demonstration

The camp sinks into the mud because of the persistent rain. 
Idomeni, Kilkis province, Greece. March 12 2016.
Approximately 12,000 refugees are waiting in Camp Idomeni at the Greek - Macedonian border to get on. The border is closed, the balkan route to central Europe is blocked.

Zelte, baum, schlamm

A refugee, wrapped in a blanket and a sleeping bag, reaches the camp. 
Idomeni, Kilkis province, Greece. March 14 2016.
Approximately 12,000 refugees are waiting in Camp Idomeni at the Greek - Macedonian border to get on. The border is closed, the balkan route to central Europe is blocked.

Schlafsack, decke, regen, augen

An Afghan refugee climbs from the roof of a tent, a child looks through a vent hole. 
Idomeni, Kilkis province, Greece. March 12 2016.
Approximately 12,000 refugees are waiting in Camp Idomeni at the Greek - Macedonian border to get on. The border is closed, the balkan route to central Europe is blocked.

Jung, Mann, Zelt, Kind, lachen

It has been pouring for weeks, Anes from Aleppo tries to protect himself with a cardboard box.

Mann, Schachtel, Regen

Refugees collecting wet firewood - it has been pouring for weeks. The wood was donated by Greek farmers. 
Idomeni, Kilkis province, Greece. March 13 2016.
Approximately 12,000 refugees are waiting in Camp Idomeni at the Greek - Macedonian border to get on. The border is closed, the balkan route to central Europe is blocked.

Männer, Brennholz, schlamm

Trying to live their lives: a Syrian girl looks out of her family's  tent. Her father plays his lute. 
Idomeni, Kilkis province, Greece. March 12 2016.
Approximately 12,000 refugees are waiting in Camp Idomeni at the Greek - Macedonian border to get on. The border is closed, the balkan route to central Europe is blocked.

Mädchen, mann, laute, zelt

People try to dry their laundry on the barbed wire of the Greek Macedonian border fence. 
Idomeni, Kilkis province, Greece. March 12 2016.
Approximately 12,000 refugees are waiting in Camp Idomeni at the Greek - Macedonian border to get on. The border is closed, the balkan route to central Europe is blocked.

grenze, stacheldraht, jacke

A hole in the border fence is rumored. Among many others a refugee family from Syria is getting ready to cross the frontier. They will fail, some of them will drown the same day.
Idomeni, Kilkis province, Greece. March 14 2016.
Approximately 12,000 refugees are waiting in Camp Idomeni at the Greek - Macedonian border to get on. The border is closed, the balkan route to central Europe is blocked.

mann, nütze, alt, jung

Stranded: a refugee family living in a small tent. 
Idomeni, Kilkis province, Greece. March 12 2016.
Approximately 12,000 refugees are waiting in Camp Idomeni at the Greek - Macedonian border to get on. The border is closed, the balkan route to central Europe is blocked.

familie, nacht, zelt


Die Grosse Flucht - Gefangen in Idomeni

Eine Hölle für Tausende von Flüchtlingen - März 2016: mehr als 44’000 Menschen sind in Griechenland gestrandet, eine Zahl, die sich täglich vergrössert. In Idomeni werden die Flüchtlinge an der Weiterreise gehindert, die Grenze zu Mazedonien ist geschlossen. Die Zeltstadt versinkt im Schlamm des wochenlangen Dauerregens, die Menschen schmachten in der Kälte bei unzureichender Versorgung. Europa zeigt seine dunkle Seite, Flüchtlinge, meist aus den Kriegsgebieten in Syrien und dem Irak, die nur ihr nacktes Leben gerettet haben, sind gefangen in der Kälte der politischen Realität. Später im Mai wird das Lager evakuiert, die Hälfte der Flüchtlinge wird in offizielle Lager innerhalb Griechenland gebracht, die andere Hälfte verschwindet spurlos.

Lange habe ich mich von den „grossen“ Themen ferngehalten, in der Annahme, dass sich an den jeweiligen Schauplätzen schon ausreichend Medienschaffende tummeln würden. Der Auftrag einer Tageszeitung, das Drama der aus der Türkei ankommenden Flüchtlinge in Lesbos zu dokumentieren, hat dies geändert. Die Ignoranz der Mächtigen den Flüchtlingen gegenüber hat mich erschüttert, durch meine Fotos wollte auch ich ihnen eine Stimme geben. Ich werde das Drama weiterverfolgen, in Farbe (für die Medien) und Schwarzweiss.


Titel der Arbeit
Die grosse Flucht - gefangen in Idomeni
Reporters sans frontières (Suisse) Les grands reportages, Surprise, Tageswoche
49 - 53
Reporters sans frontières (Suisse) Les grands reportages
Reporters sans frontières