Andreas Seibert

Editorial, 2008

Floating through Shanghai's backyard

Mr. Li, 60, and Mr. Chen, 63, migrant rural workers from Anhui Province, on a construction site in Shanghai’s Pudong district. With the 88-story Jin Mao Tower (right), and the 101-story Shanghai World Financial Center, the tallest structure in China.

schanghai, wanderarbeiter, wolkenkratzer, himmel, china

Bengbu City and Huai He, one of the major rivers in China but also one of the most polluted. Compared with its more successful neighbors to the east, Zhejiang and Jiangsu, Anhui Province has markedly lagged behind in economic development.

fluss, china, schnee, armes hinterland, stadt, china

Young women are polishing carved jade figures in a room with only rudimentary lighting. The owner is proud to show me his premises. The business is going outstandingly well. He is content. His female workers sleep in dark rooms in simple beds.

dunkelheit, arbeit, jadearbeiterinnen, china

Figures on display at the Memorial Hall of Railway Workers and Coal Miners Movement.

minenarbeiter, museum, figuren, aufstand, kampf, china

At the Anyuan Coal Mine. Mr. Liang, 42, on his way to the shower.

minenarbeiter, russ, rauch, portrait, schmutz, china

Small living room of Mr. Hong, 67. He is partially paralyzed after a stroke.

bett, decke, kleider, armut, durcheinander, china

A group of men and women leaving Anhui Province. They have nothing to do here, so are traveling to Ningbo in Zhejiang Province, where they will work until June. The bus journey will take ten hours.

wanderarbeiter, aufbruch, gepäck, gruppe, reisen, china

Mr. Zhou, 62, is not married and a farmer in the small village of Londi. Unable to make a living with farming only, he does recycling work as well.

bauer, portrait, armut, hinterland, china


Titel der Arbeit
Floating through Shanghai's backyard
From Somewhere to Nowhere
Lars Mueller Publishers