Elena Rutman

Fine Art, 2011

how to educate people - no. 1-8

how to educate people no. 1

indien, hain, gitter, bus, the world is yours

how to educate people no. 2

flughafen, shop, gang, baustelle, herz

how to educate people no. 3

indien, sanskrit, alive, urin, be yourself

how to educate people no. 4

fahrrad, velo, parking, employee, verboten

how to educate people no. 5

spielen, streichholz, schaufenster, spucken, arschloch

how to educate people no. 6

strand, öffentlich, stormy weather, shop, closed

how to educate people no. 7

reh, weit, hoch, zeit, bitte nicht springen

how to educate people no. 8

trost, werk, rettungsstange, schwimmring


Titel der Arbeit
how to educate people - no. 1-8
Galerie Silvio Baviera