Roberto Mucchiut

Fine Art, 2015


Basic light 01

light i-ching changes

Basic light 02

light i-ching changes

Dirty light 01

light i-ching changes

Dirty light 02

light i-ching changes

Landscape 03

light i-ching changes

Landscape 03

light i-ching changes

Revealed 01

light i-ching changes

Revealed 02

light i-ching changes


The book of I-King is one of the Chinese texts more known in the West, a book of wisdom which is also, and above all, a reference work in the field of divination. Its consultation is based on the interpretation of one of the 64 possible hexagrams, resulting from the combination of eight trigrams to which was assigned a reference image: sky, lake, fire, thunder, wind, water, mountain and earth.
From here I developed the idea to operate in an artistic sense within the relevant canonical representations, putting them in a double conception of composition: at both the analog/digital and two-dimensional.
Starting point and convergence of the entire work is light, understood as pure creative material and formable in a complex field of experimentation. The resulting images are the consequence of continuous changes of the light source between appearance and disappearance. The project consist in 64 different original movies (each with a specific sound) inspired by each of the existing hexagrams, 64 frames taken from video products and photographs taken in the phases of study and production of the project.


Titel der Arbeit
Galleria Mosaico