Raffaela Pitzurra Team: Raffaela & Netsanet

Reportage, 2015


1) WATER BOUNDARIES: Life originated from water and water often forms natural boundaries.

waterlife time origins

2) WALLS BOUNDARIES: Walls were built to protect from water, weather or enemies and formed inside out divisions

stones time origins

3) WOMEN FIRST MET: Women as gatekeepers

women veils simplicity

4) GATHERINGS: People use to get together at sunset

meetings time life

5) MAKING BONDS across the same age group and beyound.

meetings time age

6) WOMEN LAST STAY: Women take care of life and life takes care of them

age time loneliness

7) or 1) PLACES LEFT: Places quit looking out for new successors

loneliness new life


/Users/RaffaelaPitzurra/altro/Swiss Photo Award/SimDiffProject_shortdescription.pdf


Titel der Arbeit