Christophe W. Chammartin

Editorial, 2017

Soul Fragments, A photographic investigation on the paths of consciousness

Marianne Costa 
French poet and novelist, Marianne Costa, ex-spouse and collaborator of Alejandro Jodorowsky, co-wrote

consciousness changement soul spirituality

Rosa Barbosa
Chilean, Machi or Shaman, she is a person of great wisdom and possesses the power of healing. She is the main character of Mapuche medicine. She is in charge of more than 80 communities in Chile. The Machi beholds knowledge of medicinal plants, and also has the power of minds and the ability to interpret dreams. 
It is by a dream that the creative god announces to the girl that she was chosen to receive the gift of shaman, intermediary between the divine and men.
May you and your brothers protect nature, we, indigenous peoples, need it.
Plants are a part of each of us, like the Earth. With plants, we can live. If we do not have land, we do not have food, medicine, and water. 
Like the blood that reaches the heart, the oceans await the waters of the rivers. I would say that the sea is the heart of our Planet.

consciousness changement soul spirituality

Michel Girardin
Swiss, PhD and B.A. in economics form the University of Lausanne and an MSc. in economy from the London School of Economics.
He has more than 20-year experience as Chief Economist and investment strategist in the Swiss private banking sector.
He is also lecturer in Finance at the University of Lausanne. According to the Swiss business magazine Bilan, he is amongst the 300 most influential persons in Switzerland.
Chance is a necessity in disguise.
In 2008, after the subprime crisis in the United States, I studied the history of crises. I tried to understand how we got there. I made a fascinating discovery. The financial and economic crises are recurrent and all seem to have the same origin, that is to say an excess of indebtedness, very often in the real estate. We have already experienced about 160 financial crises since the beginning of the nineteenth century. The good news is that if crises happen regularly, it means we get out.

consciousness changement soul spirituality

Albert Amura
Argentinian, Natural Sciences Professor with a specialization in biology, he studies a variety of fields, industrial chemistry, psychology, education and arts. Radiestesist, Reiki Master, he is also spiritual coach and lecturer.
Let yourself become an instrument of your own light
All forms of consciousness strive to see truth. But which truth?
Everybody seeks truth. Truth becomes personal, we thus have 1, 2, 3 truths...
I think the ultimate truth appears once we are able to see the image in its entirety. A that moment there is no more question.

consciousness changement soul spirituality

Olivier Chambon
A French psychiatrist and psychotherapist, he is a former head of a university clinic and a former hospital practitioner. In collaboration with Prof. Michel Marie-Cardine, he created the first university degree in integrative psychotherapy at the Claude Bernard University in Lyon. Dr. Olivier Chambon is a pioneer of behavioural and cognitive care methods for chronic psychotic patients. For several years his interest has been the use of modified states of consciousness (hypnosis, EMDR, shamanic travel, etc.) in psychotherapy. He is also the author of reference books on the therapeutic use of psychedelic substances and on psychotherapy. 
Trust, Love can do everything!
To create the Earth, the original conscience dreamed. It created dreams; sometimes nightmares and we forgot we were asleep. These dreams are pieces of soul.

consciousness changement soul spirituality

Jeremy Narby
Canadian Anthropologist living in Switzerland, he is the author of The Cosmic Serpent and several books on plants and Shamanism. He travels the world to regularly gives lectures.
The word intelligence comes from the Latin inter legere, to choose between. This presupposes the ability to take decisions. A blade of grass is an organism that is able to perceive its environment in a sophisticated way, to make decisions and to act. The molecular signals that the grass blade uses are, in many cases, identical to the molecular and atomic signals that our own neurons use. The problem is that all definitions of intelligence are given in exclusively human terms. So by definition, we cannot use that word for other species.
How do you describe the behaviour of a single-celled viscous mold when it finds the shortest path in a labyrinth? We are very confused at the conceptual level because our concepts presuppose separations between ourselves and other species that were proved to be false by our own knowledge. Life has not finished to laugh at us ...

consciousness changement soul spirituality

Philippe Roch
PhD in Biochemistry, former Director of the Swiss Environment, Forest and Landscape Department, former Board co-President of the Global Environmental Fund (GEF). He is Board member of the United Nations Institute for Education and Research. Currently, he spends a large share of his time on research, writing and communicating on environmental, spiritual and philosophical issues. He is part of the Ethics and deontology Committee of the University of Geneva. He collaborates with the University of Lausanne's Institute for Territorial Policies and the Human Environment which awarded him an Honoris Causa PhD in geosciences and environment.
My spirituality is fully lived when I am surrounded by nature.
The most important is the energy that humanity exudes. When a civilization is led by thinkers, philosophers, wise people, it follows rituals and develops values of respect and harmony, I think this has a positive impact on the whole. If, on the contrary, humanity cultivates negative values such as consumption, domination, arrogance, selfishness, this entails what we now live. We are experiencing a collapse of civilization. It drags itself into chaos, feeds its' self and can no more stop its' self.

consciousness changement soul spirituality

Ulla Straessle, Switzerland 
Shamanic practitioner and member of the FSS faculty (Foundation for Shamanic Studies). After years of activity in the management of international companies, She shifted the direction of her life and devoted herself to shamanism. Today, she devotes herself mainly to the association One to One, a group-help organization focused on Indigenous communities and organizes and organizes trips to First peoples meetings. 
Joy of life
Imagine that millions of years ago, dinosaurs were the most important living beings on Earth. They disappeared and the next evolution went towards human beings. 
Imagine the next generation! 
If we think that the spiritual is all that is invisible, all that connects us through thought, through our feelings to others, then the Internet is spiritual.

consciousness changement soul spirituality


Everything is burning.
Oil. Shares. Forests. Waste.
It was the end of the world.
And in the end, it wasn’t anymore.
Even if resources run out.
Even if the sun gives cancer.
Even if men, women live in cardboard houses.
I don’t know what to believe. I am looking for clues. I want to see more, hope maybe.
Curiosity takes me to the paths of this world in gestation.
Camera on my shoulder and recorder in my pocket, I collect a series of statements from all types of specialists, ecologists, scientists, people on a spiritual path, shamans or artists, who live at the front of these changes.

For every meeting, I ask the subject photographed to choose the place and time for a portrait and an interview. I also asked him to suggest a sentence, a query linked to the exchange that just took place.
With this material, I then go on a quest. I lay down the words in the form of an intention, I observe, I wait for the picture. My mind, my heart soak in the environment. My perception is modified. Then a magical reality opens, outside of ordinary concepts and the picture, surprising, rises, echoing the question, the words thrown by the person.


Titel der Arbeit
Soul Fragments, A photographic investigation on the paths of consciousness
march 2017
Soul Fragments