The Time of My Death

Free, 2012

The Time of My Death

Kategoriensieger "Free" 2012


My work aims to shed new light and new dimension to the subject of death, especially in a time where the fallacy of immortality skews our perception of the human condition. I think it is, in this sense, a humane act. I am delighted at the thought of this meeting.
The Time of My Death
This recurring confrontation with death, the loneliness of the dead, the absolute desolation of the corpse − all of these elements would be impossible to overcome without the mechanical and mindless gesture of a photographer. I became determined to make this the subject of a methodical and continuous body of work.
The diptychs that make up this exhibit were taken at separate times. A first shot is taken at the exact time of arrival upon location, using semi-spontaneous framing, like taking a first glance.
It is after the body has been removed that the second shot is taken. Virtually, the same point of view, nearly using the same framing. When the diptych is presented, the second image seems to capture the absence of the body, as though it were tracking its subliminal perseverance, its phantom echo. Disjointed, it loses all or most of its tragic aspect.

Je n'ai réalisé que 2 photographies par sujet, qu'une avec le corps et qu'une autre sans le corps.
2012, tirage Fresson quadri charbon à partit négatif couleur 4/5 inch
100 x 83 cm cadre acier ciré


Titel der Arbeit
The Time of My Death
MAMCO / Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain