Maya Rochat

Fine Art, 2015

Too much Metal for one hand

Too much Metal for one hand

slimmy painting scan bleach paint victory fingers

Too much Metal for one hand

night bleach paint trees

Too much Metal for one hand

hands glitter metal sign bleach paint ink

Too much Metal for one hand

plastic pollution ink water

Too much Metal for one hand

painting naked woman eye argile mountain

Too much Metal for one hand

cactus bleach painting peru

Too much Metal for one hand

photography collage ink water

Too much Metal for one hand ; Installation view
The work is thought one image-collage

layers images frames


The work evolve in the expanded fields of photography, collage and painting, blurring borders between analogue and digital.
I explore perceptions by overloading the visuals with materiality, layer after layer, hiding immediate readings, creating room for lies and tricks but also dreams and imagination.
I break the rules of what the “photographic image” usually is; strict sequence, strict visual finality. The installation is composed as one final image, that adapts depending on the exhibition context. Through large prints (wallpaper, plastic banners, photographic prints) It generates an imposing physical experience where the overlapping of visuals replay the complexe density of the images themselves. 
My aim is to create a subtile pictorial experience that can’t be digitally reproduced to strongly connect the viewer with its on physical reality. I challenge our understanding to open the possibility for the body (not only the mind) to feel and discover something that words can't tell.


Titel der Arbeit
Too much Metal for one hand
Galerie Olivier Robert