Ronald Pizzoferrato

Reportage, 2017


Neighbourhood called «Cota 905»

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Streets of «Pintos Salinas»

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Boys who do box training are getting ready for their upcoming fight during a local tournament

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Face to face

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Members of «Cota 905» playing a popular game called Truco

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Two boys posing and imitating the gun symbol

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A young gangster who got injured by gun shots shows off his scars

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Local gangsters showing their grenades

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Group of young gangster posing

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Member of National Police getting ready to clash against the riot activist

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Protesters break a garage door in order to use it as shield

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Two members of National Police arresting a riot activist

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Motorcycle burning in the middle of the street

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Life goes on

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Entrance of a house in «Pintos Salinas»

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After living away from my native city Caracas, it came to me the eagerness to document the everyday life and lifestyle of the inhabitants of world’s most violent city. No matter what age, skin color or socio-economic status a person has, each one has its own struggle and rhythm. This, in Caracas’ slang, is denominated as "una velocidad". It refers to the rapidity that everyone living in this Caribbean valley has: It includes the ability to solve problems and to deal with myriad issues on a daily basis - ipso facto creating their unique personalities. It is on the dice that the socio-political situation is strongly connected to the level of aggression and violence within a society. So, the most impressive fact to observe is how every person living at una velocidad has no time to give up, to rest or to take a breathe - the same city pushes you to bear the conditions and to be faster. In Caracas rules are dictated by the street and its people and therefore, you must live at una velocidad.


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