Mirante Osvaldo

Free, 2015

Walk, Run; just go forward

The noisy silent 

Location: Neuchâtel. 

Details of the Location: old city of Neuchâtel. 

Further details: In Switzerland. 

I was deaf. I could not hear anything, anyone. I was the guy standing there, looking at the crowd. There were so many people walking around. 

The cause of the lack of hearing ability was the overwhelming noise emitted by feet on the ground, by sound waves from playing trumpets and by screaming voices leading to burst into laughter. 

So I was deaf and then? 

I stopped. I looked at my left and there was a bench. 

I immediately thought of a cold drink or a hot coffee. To sit and to be in peace. 

Why didn't I do it? 

I stayed still and thought. Ah yes because she was waiting, urging to go home and sleep. 

I then realised that my vision was focused on something special. A meaning or a symbol. 

I remained at my position. I saw them walking. So many steps, overlapping stress. 

I felt as encaged. I was the observer of other lives by night in a small city, in a proximity of a beautiful lake painted in black with some dots and traces of reflected light, chained to the ground, in the old side of the town.

feet street photography shades and lights switzerland walking movement motion street bench dark night black and white neuchâtel

Wishes and Hopes

More I think more I am disintegrating into melancholy. 

Better to stay still, and to look forward. Night light shadowing, Day light obscuring. I am in between. Wishes and hopes.

selfie shoes rümlang zürich street station night light shadows


I was there looking at them. My family is behind me. We just passed our St-Valentin all together. Happiness was the word summarising this moment. Before crossing the street, they were waiting, when suddenly someone crossed the street. Apparently, judging their facial expression, they did not know him. He was approaching, slowly but surely. He smiled. He stopped. My mum called me and while crossing the street, my eyes were still focusing their movement. Ephemeral

lausanne street feet walking waiting motion movement

Transient elegancy

Kneeled, perspective on target, she is approaching. 

Heartbeat accelerating, faster than her own steps. 


Elegancy, one foot after the other, slower as progressively closer to the target. She wanted to be framed. I felt it. 

Confidence confirmed. 


The street at my light, her legs at the left, darkness, illuminated lines of certainty, void of darkness at my right.

people legs woman walking black and white street photography perspective carouge motion movement

Run, Walk, Talk, Smile

No description, just love. 

No love, just talks. 

No talks, just smiles, 

Run run run otherwise the time will make it past. Just walk into the present, run into the future, smile at your past. 

Throw the negative, accept the positive, kiss me, slap me, talk to me, smile at me, or just walk over me. 


haubtbahnhof trainstation street running discussing people geometry urban exploration street photography motion movement zürich

About myself_when I was still at school

feet siena italy light shadows lights and shadows

Jump JUmp JuMp jumP

The essence of my life. The one making me jumping, arms wide open, searching the sky, happy and shy. 

She jumped towards me, hugged me strong, whispered I love you to my right ear, and finally looking at me and smiled.

venice feet jumping jump stairs perspective italy

Going down down down 

In search of darkness. My feet were triggered by the light. Someone was watching me. Someone unlike me. 
Step by step. In my thoughts, Slowly I go downstairs. I do not look back, only forward. 

Wanna go outside. Need to see the light. Going out from this prison, where I spent every day of my life, thinking of other lives.

lausanne flon stairs feet motion walking downstairs


Observing how people walk, how people run, their surroundings. It gives another input to life, not the same than when we look at people eyes directly showing their emotions. But another input, the one showing the other side of their lives. I am writing the feelings I had at these moments. Time passing by.


Titel der Arbeit
Walk, Run; just go forward